Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sunday nights with Jarmans

I'm sorry to copy Beth again, but she just has such a gift with words and I knew I could not out do this. This was stolen from her blog, so sorry if you check on both.

"On Sunday nights at my parents house
it is not uncommon to hear the deafening sound of children squealing.
It is not uncommon to see little girls dressed in crazy outfits from grandma's dress up box, or some serious make up designed by older cousins or young aunties.
It is also not uncommon to see adult men competing in ridiculous competitions like who can jump the highest, kick the farthest etc.

I have seen 6 siblings stack into a human tower.
Silly things just really abound at my parents house on Sabbath evenings.

Well this last week I died laughing when without a prompt this little one started demonstrating his skills...

Only to one up himself with this...

There is no surprise where he learned it, but oh so funny still!"

Oh little Joe, I hope you never ever ever change!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I saw this on Beth's. Looks like some FUN memories are made :)