Monday, February 23, 2009

Beth in a silly mood did this

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Teila and John disco

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More Freestone Christmas 2008

Teila and Ava

Shoot, I didn't get Kristen's ok- oh well.
Lovely Kristen and Jayme

Eddie and Annie- all the pics of Annie aren't
on purpose, she's just so darn cute!

Tatton and Rachel (newlyweds)

Freestone Christmas 2008

Annie and Aunt Shyla
'The 3 girls' Matti, Jordynn, Jayme

'The boys' (minus Brennan) Chase, Jackson, Joey, and Johnny
Annie and Aunt Karen
Uncle Steve and Teila
For anyone viewing this blog. It is still a work in progress. Johnny really wanted me to start one since his cousin Charlie has one. But I can only figure things out between taking care of little kiddos. I will constantly be working on improving it, so check back often. What a great first post.