Monday, May 24, 2010


Here is Teila's Talent show video of "The Single Ladies." She is excited for everyone and anyone to see it! She really did such a great job and we are very proud of her! She starts out the 3rd from the left.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Love is in the air for the Jarman's. Tim is getting married this Sat. and his brother Robert, with a speedy engagement of 7 weeks, is getting married 4 days before my due date! It is May, and if you have kids you know that May sucks. But at least little league is over. Eddie is trying to close on a house so he is working hard which is fine. I find a nap and food do wonders. But lately I just cry whenever I need to anyway. I can usually gear myself up. Mom Jarman is worried about me, but I told her just because I cry all the time doesn't mean anything. It's just hormones. I can't help it. Yesterday Teila had a little music/ dance performance that she has been working on all semester. I WAS prepared mentally for Eddie not to be there, then I was trying to video tape and Annie was crying because the wind was blowing (she's been seriously sick since Wed. with the flu. Well seriously dehydrated, we almost took her to the ER, but finally got her to hold liquids down on Sat.) Anyway, so she still wasn't 100%. So I was holding Annie and Eddie walked up. I had to fight back tears I was so happy to see him. I told him when we got home he can't sneak up on my like that at a function I wasn't planning on him being at. I just can't handle it. That's the kind of state I'm in.

A couple nights ago Annie got in bed with us, between us, and I somehow got all the pillows. At least the good one Eddie sleeps with and I slept so well. So I took all the pillows again, except for the cheap flat one we've probably had since we were married, but it didn't work as well last night because Eddie tried to share and he was frankly in my space.

I was looking through some stuff I got from the hospital, etc. and saw a normal body and my body now, and all I have to say is no wonder. No wonder!

I think I can do it though. I mean other people have right? But seriously I think, "What the heck was I thinking!?!?!" However, I am excited for a new little baby, esp. after buying my new glider.

Check back this weekend to see Teila's talent show of "The Single Ladies". It will be fabulous!!