Saturday, April 23, 2011

Just because I LOVE them

We are lucky to have wonderful Aunties in our family. I was just able to capture a moment with one special Auntie Mary

Some of these show Annie's scowl, which she flashes at the Freestone Family Parties often. And the last one is just funny to me. At least Mary's not picking her nose.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

For Beth

Beth- you mentioned on your blog a couple weeks ago that you were worried about your house. Well I was there yesterday and want you to put your worries to rest. Who could worry with these 4 hunky guys working on it?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Johnny's baptism

It is so cliche to say "I can't believe my baby is growing up!" but there's a reason why people say it. It's exciting when they start hitting those big milestones. Now I know half of you have already seen this on my sis in laws blog, well lucky you to look at this very handsome boy twice!!

A few personal favorites of his. Having opinions, cub scouts and looking all grown up!
Thanks Auntie for the pictures! I don't know what people do without an Auntie Beth???

Our little players!

I love the spring time! For our family, its the perfect weather for sitting at baseball/softball games. Little League is wonderful and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Who couldn't love this?!?!?!
I feel so proud of my little players, it's a bit ridiculous actually. Who knew one could feel this feel way and they are only in LITTLE LEAGUE!!

However, along with the good comes the not so good. Like dinner at 4:30 with games at 5:30 then 7:30 and sometimes 1 in between. The key is preparation to lessen the anxiety. Making sure Danny doesn't put left over cigarette buds is another fun one. One the plus side, they do have a sandpit where the boys play and Annie stays in there the whole time. The down side to that and to having actual players is this:
and feeling it under my feet until I sweep it all up in a little pile. (This is only half of it, some is in my car and the other on the carpet.)

No wonder I wear flip flops ALL the time!

2 weeks down, 3 to go!