Monday, December 28, 2009

The Nutcracker with Aunt Shyla

Aunt Shyla had a great idea to take Teila to The Nutcracker playing at the Mesa Arts Center this holiday season. It was REALLY cool. Teila used to dance and so she really enjoyed it. Shyla said it was catered to kids with their brightly colored costumes, etc. It was great and Teila LOVED going with Aunt Shyla. And who wouldn't be happy with going to El Charro first! Thank you Aunt Shyla.

Mom and I loved it too!!

We saw one of Shy's old roommates. Josie and Shy look so cute, I couldn't resist putting this up!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

like mother like daughter

This little habit of mine (I'm on the left) puts my good friend in a stupor. She doesn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for me. Probably some of both. Then to have Annie (on the right) walk in to her house today!! She was speechless. The funny thing is Annie did it herself!! (I'm so proud)

All I can say is I like to wear socks, but not shoes, most the day when it's chilly. I think this method is practical and convenient. And like my sister in law says "don't knock it till you try it."

How will potty training go?

Is it just me or will potty training a bit of a challenge? She seems kinda attached...

(again with her shirt off? I really don't know why this is.)

what's new

So my big news is that I am expecting!! Another baby that is. I am about 12 weeks right now. I've been feeling pretty good. Another reason I haven't done hardly any posts (not that I do that much anyway) is that I was in charge of the FALL FESTIVAL at Johnny's school. This is their only fundraiser and I decided last year I would take it over. Why? I don't know. No one else was volunteering. This is what happens when you start to attend PTO meetings just to get to know the school better and find out what is going on. Highly over rated!! As much as work as the FF was, It wasn't as bad as I thought. And in all truthfulness, I'm kinda glad to have had something that made me get up and get out most days. I actually think it made me feel a little better this pregnancy. So I will be due in June. Eddie and I are fighting about names, which we have never done before. Really, we almost have to not talk about it. But it will all be fine I'm sure. We are excited to have another one.