Tuesday, December 1, 2009

what's new

So my big news is that I am expecting!! Another baby that is. I am about 12 weeks right now. I've been feeling pretty good. Another reason I haven't done hardly any posts (not that I do that much anyway) is that I was in charge of the FALL FESTIVAL at Johnny's school. This is their only fundraiser and I decided last year I would take it over. Why? I don't know. No one else was volunteering. This is what happens when you start to attend PTO meetings just to get to know the school better and find out what is going on. Highly over rated!! As much as work as the FF was, It wasn't as bad as I thought. And in all truthfulness, I'm kinda glad to have had something that made me get up and get out most days. I actually think it made me feel a little better this pregnancy. So I will be due in June. Eddie and I are fighting about names, which we have never done before. Really, we almost have to not talk about it. But it will all be fine I'm sure. We are excited to have another one.


Unknown said...

Oh how wonderful Tecia! I am so happy for you! I hope you are feeling good!Hooray!

beth said...

oh I know the names he wants ha ha ha! welcome edwin or debborah!

Katie said...

YEAH! Congratulations, I am happy you are feeling well.

Tecia said...

Beth- I can hardly even laugh about the names. We told my mom last night because she kept bugging us. But I will do Deborah Kathryn and call her Kat. I do really like the candy bar... just kidding everyone, it wouldn't be after a kit kat.

Tay said...

Good luck with that one!

Brian refused to talk about names until we were expecting, then until we knew the gender, and then I was still twisting his arm to commit to a name the last month I was pregnant. And we only agreed on two boy names. I think that alone will limit the number of children we have. I should give you some names Brian has flat-out refused to consider: Charlotte, Edward, Thomas, Eleanor, Margretta (for a middle name)... See what Eddie thinks, I'm sure he'll agree with Brian. Though maybe not if he likes 'Deborah' so much.