Saturday, April 17, 2010


So Eddie works construction. He mostly works with his brothers, so work clothes aren't a priority. I love a good deal, so I try to spend $2 or $3 bucks on new shirts for him. The cheaper it is, the happier I get and Eddie could care less. So a couple years ago I was at Aeropostale when they were having a great sale. They had a whole rack of these for $2:
When I looked at it to make sure it was clean I saw "summer" and "hot" and thought it was referring to AZ weather. His sister Lydia laughed every time he wore this. Actually, I think she still laughs, but it's a work shirt right?

So yesterday while shopping at Target, found this one for $2:
I don't know. Maybe we've crossed the line. Even for $2 work shirts...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


If any one is not familiar with this series, let me tell you that I LOVE IT!! Fablehaven by Brandon Mull, who I swear is LDS, is so fun to read. Yes, it's adolescent lit, but I like adolescent lit. I really almost like his series better than Harry Potter. It is a 5 book series and I just stole the book #5 from my mom a couple Sundays ago who had just bought it and finished it last night. Your kids will love them if they liked Harry Potter. And what a great thing to read this summer. I have found myself thinking about different characters or events all through out today, which is a little embarrassing, but he just makes the imaginary world seem so real.

This is a great adolescent fantasy book and I highly recommend it. Not that that means much, but this is my blog and I can endorse what I want!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Teila's new addition

This is copied from Auntie Beth's blog:

"What do you think of an Auntie who doesn't (technically) ask first and may have (just may have) manipulated
a defenseless 10 year old niece into getting her ears pierced?
What do you think of a 10 year old who is easily persuaded by "Diamonds"?
What do you think of an Auntie who signed a parental permission form in front of a teenage "jewelery" sales girl and felt absolutely no guilt?
What do you think of a brave little one who did an "I got my ears pierced" dance afterwords
and couldn't wait to call her Mom?

Happy Birthday little T! I {heart} you and diamond earings too."

I love it!! Teila did just celebrate her 10th birthday. We didn't really do a big party, since the boys had their bdays in March, we are going to Amazing Jake's this year for their birthdays. But this obviously wasn't good enough for Auntie.

Teila is SOOOOO excited! (about the earrings). Please don't ask my mom how she feels about this. Teila went over on Sunday to show her, (She wasn't feeling well so we skipped our usually dinner and just dropped by before going to Jarman's) She called me at Jarman's to complain and wanted to know if Beth was going to take her to get a tattoo next. I think it might still be on the table. It'll say "I [heart] Auntie Beth". Mom of course is freaking out which makes us all laugh!

We love you Auntie Beth!!