Monday, November 22, 2010

New Family Pictures

It's true, we survived another photo shoot of family pictures. I'll admit we all got a bit grumpy. But Beth was great and has such an eye for pictures and took them in places that I never would have thought would turn out and they were darling.

(A above, B below if you are voting)
This year we hopped on over to the Rowley's. Sentimental reasons. Bro. Rowley is a plumber and my dad was a plumber. I have the fondest memories of my dad driving a backhoe, having one at our house on occasion and playing in it, being the lucky one that got to actually drive around with him in it, and him lifting us up in the scoop and bringing us back down.
They were so great to let us come and take pics there and to move their back hoe out for us. Of course the one that turned out the best we are sitting on her front porch, but I like these back- hoe ones too.

If you guys remember Annie's last year, they typified (is that a word?) her personality. Not smiley, 'reserved', well this year she really out did herself. Check it out...

These are some other ones that I liked. Thanks again Beth, we wouldn't have these AWESOME pictures with out you!!

If you feel like it tell me which fam pic you like the best, I can't decide which one all my family should get a copy of. It has to be one on the back hoe. Maybe just the kids?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Our Halloween was fun. The kids looked great and had a great time at the ward party.
I know there is no Daniel. He cried for an hour while I was doing the kids hair. I finally had to give in to feeding him and he was asleep.

This would be the infamous Auntie Hannah in the white dress (my old prom dress. See I knew there was a reason to hang on to those), Mary sporting the 80's, Steven as a zombie. They all looked fabulous!! I'm glad some people enjoy dressing up!
This is Teila and Dallas Palmer. Teila says that she is going to marry him and all this night, he was her 'boyfriend'. Which I hate and discourage, but he is so sweet with her and handles her well. I just love him.

Just in case you couldn't figure out, Teila- hair dresser (thank you Auntie for the use of your apron), John- Harry Potter, Joe-Batman, Annie- Tinkerbell.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spirit Week for Teila

Spirit Week at Emerson.
Sports Day first then of course Crazy Hair Day.
Now I don't claim to be the coolest mom, but I'm at least scoring some points with these!! And more importantly Teila was very happy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

West Virginia to visit TEGAN!!!

Tegan recently had her 6th baby!!! Little Sydnie Maxine Sherwood. She now lives in West Virginia where Nathan is doing his residency. My mom of course went out to see the baby and flew me out with her. This of course is just a glimpse of how pretty it was. The primary song about it being autumn sprang to mind (either that song or I just made one up that says "it's autumn time, it's autumn, there's ..... all around." to the same tune as another primary song,..anyway)
Needless to say it was beautiful to see trees leaves actually changing colors...

and fog in the morning waiting for the bus stop that was almost tangible.

It was simply beautiful!!

So let me first tell you about little Sydnie's arrival. Tegan is always induced, except for Brennan, but those were special circumstances that we feel certain God had a hand in. Anyway, she was going to be induced late Sunday night. Friday night she started feeling contractions. Nothing new for her, she has Braxton-Hicks for like a month. She was starting to get kinda uncomfortable after about 2 hours and decided to go down stairs to time them, only 10 min. apart. It wasn't long after she got comfy on the couch that her water broke. She paged Nathan to come down because it was 5 in the morning, he quickly assessed the situation, called the lady from the ward, then the paramedics. To no avail, they didnt' make it. By time Nathan really got the situation under control Sydnie was crowning and Tegan, still in denial about not having meds, was ready to push. 1 1/2 pushes later she said, Sydnie was here!! All I can say is it's a good thing Nathan's got skills!! She was 8 lbs and both mom and baby were doing wonderfully by time the paramedics got there. For immense pain that I myself have never felt, it's good it didn't last long. She's like a pioneer woman!! She did great!!

Back to the trip- you would think that I would have managed a picture with all the kids, but we were busy and it never seemed like a good time and then there was no time. Ridiculous I know! Never the less I got some cute pics. These are some favorites.
Brennan holding Sydnie.
At the bus stop: Brennan, Kate, Kenzie, Creighton, Me

The only one missing besides the baby, is Samuel/Sammy. He's almost 4.

Another one at the bus stop: Me holding Creighton, Kate, Kenz

Creighton wanted some marshmallows and took matters into his own hands when he was denied such a treat before dinner.

Kenzie playing soccer. At one point during a drill a boy was just standing there so she kicked her soccer ball right into his shins and then I heard a slight giggle as she dribbled her ball away.

Kate is a sweetheart!

If you consider flying to WV to work to help your sister organize her house, cook so she can have easy meals, shopping for new organizers and this and that, clean up the basement where you throw everything you don't know what to do with, (mine is an office) then we had a good time.

If you consider visiting a sister that you love so much it's bringing tears to your eyes right now just typing this and having to leave, not being sure when you'll get to see her again that it makes you cry 30 min. before you leave, and you enjoyed spending every second you can with her!... then I had a perfectly wonderful time on my trip to West Virginia!!

I love you Tegs and your little kiddos that feel like my kiddos!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sunday nights with Jarmans

I'm sorry to copy Beth again, but she just has such a gift with words and I knew I could not out do this. This was stolen from her blog, so sorry if you check on both.

"On Sunday nights at my parents house
it is not uncommon to hear the deafening sound of children squealing.
It is not uncommon to see little girls dressed in crazy outfits from grandma's dress up box, or some serious make up designed by older cousins or young aunties.
It is also not uncommon to see adult men competing in ridiculous competitions like who can jump the highest, kick the farthest etc.

I have seen 6 siblings stack into a human tower.
Silly things just really abound at my parents house on Sabbath evenings.

Well this last week I died laughing when without a prompt this little one started demonstrating his skills...

Only to one up himself with this...

There is no surprise where he learned it, but oh so funny still!"

Oh little Joe, I hope you never ever ever change!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Danny's first Haircut!!

Danny's hair was getting pretty long. I hate to cut it with his wonderful little curls and such but when someone said he looked like he had a toupee, you gotta do what you gotta do. It was a bit unmanageable for me as well. I just never know what to do with boys hair. Luckily we know someone who can help a poor unfortunately hair soul like me..Auntie Beth of course!! Everyone should have one.

Before Auntie got started.

Daniel and Auntie after. Thank you Auntie!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

For Shyla

This post, is simply proof to my sister, Shyla, that even though it is difficult, I do indeed share my El Charro left overs with my kids, particularly Joseph. (I didn't even know this was recording, it is genuine!)

Joey eating a special cookie that Aunt Shyla got for him because she knows he LOVES Choc. Chip