Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Little helpers

Ahh yes, and here is our little 14 mon old helping Eddie rip out Beth's old cabinets for her new ones. If anybody needs 2 little extra hands, he's for hire!

Monday, August 15, 2011

aka June Cleaver

Strawberry Freezer Jam
Dinner started (spaghetti sauce)
Texas Sheet Cake for FHE
Nutritious after school snack prepared...
ALL BY 11:30AM!!!
Well just slap an apron on me and call me June Cleaver!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"well Ahh be.." Annie can work

Sometimes I think of Annie as a bratty little princess girl who never thinks to do anything for herself first, ie pick up something that dropped from her hand. She will do it when prompted (after she's done crying to listen), it just doesn't come into her head automatically. She is precious don't get me wrong. So when I saw her out here with Eddie in over 100 degree, I thought it was so cute.
first she waited patiently for him to cut...

then she'd pick it up the pole with her gloves (cuz it's stinkin hot)
And carry it over to her pile in the grass...

then make sure it's nice and neat (very Annie)

Moral of the story: if you stand outside while Eddie's working, he'll put you to work, even Annie!

First day of school

Well Katie I tried to do your cute little thing with the fingers and the grade, but you can see how well that turned out. Not nearly as cute as when your kids do it.

Next year I guess I need to be more peppy before I take their pic, look at their faces!

Well, Joe 1st grade, Teila 5th grade, John 3rd grade. The boys didn't really want me to drop them off, Joey just wants to experience all he can and do whatever his Big Brother (that's what he calls him) has done before.

Because both their schools I just had to drop off Teila early, all by herself. I know it's sad, but she wasn't sad, she was fine.

John, after they played for a bit on the playground I had to shake John to tell him bye, he wouldn't really acknowledge me... I wasn't even wearing my apron (Mothers Day: the silliest thing he's ever see me do)

Shyla asked me if they looked cute and I thought and then said "not particularly{". They just looked normal. Teila picked her favorite outfit and the boys grabbed the first shirt and pants they saw. I think they always look cute.

They had a great first day! And while I was ready for them to get back to school, life gets so busy as they get older that I really enjoyed this summer. I love enjoying my kids while they are at home and like so many people say "it goes by quickly, enjoy it while they are little" I try to do that despite the bickering, teasing, high pitched screams and messy house.