Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas this year filled with tons of family activities. Of course the gift of giving is the best and one of my favorite gifts I made were these shirts for the boys.

the front: JARMAN
Self Appointed

the back says:
In my humble
correct opinion
All my brother in laws got one including Tim B. From left to right is David, Robert, Tim, Eddie, Uncle Dan, William, Michael. The boys were good sports and we got a good laugh. Mike said "why did you put assistant?"

They were meant as a joke and I teetered over exactly what the shirt would say. I traced and then cut with a razor blade a template (I made a quite a few before I figured out that using them immediately before they dried was best) and I also only ruined one shirt by trying to spray paint it and just ended up using fabric paint because I had better control.

Pretty funny right? It was inspired by Hannah's past Cross Country season. It was comical to see the boys all serious in their running clothes and shoes figuring out the course so they could run around cheering (bossing & giving pointers) Hannah as she ran. Then I thought of all the wrestling seasons and Eddie being the oldest....ahhhh well words just don't describe how these boys are in action. All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not a younger Jarman, the lucky little devils.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Pictures

Well we got them done. Family pictures once again. I actually really love getting family pictures. I look forward to it and have to plan MONTHS in advance to pull our outfits together, because fashion does not come easily my friends. Despite my fashion setbacks I think they turned out well. I will take this opportunity for a shout out to BETH because she is our amazing photographer, who without we would have a serious lack of quality photos in our lives. Thank you Beth for putting up with us for another session of family pics! Of course not every kid is looking at Beth AND smiling in any of them I think, but that's how we, appearantly, roll.