Wednesday, January 5, 2011

McCormick Park with Aunt Shyla

My sister Shyla likes to do fun things with the kids. She heard about McCormick Park in Scottsdale by where she lives does this cool train ride in Dec. and wanted to buy tickets for the kids to go. So we went. It was really fun. While Shyla and I were waiting in line, Shyla got htem tickets to ride the carousel too. When Eddie told me some of the kids were all scared, it made me glad my kids weren't wimps (btw, if you are reading this and your kid cries on the carousel, I dont' think he's a wimp) Where is Johnny you might be asking, he got an offer to spend the weekend with Jackson, Rusty's son, and just couldn't refuse. But he missed out!! The kids had a great time! Whoo hoo!


Katie said...

Love your updates! What a wonderful aunt Shyla is!

Tay said...

That sounds like lots of fun!