Monday, July 5, 2010

Danny and Family

Daniel and his namesake, Uncle Dan who we love very much.

Danny/Daniel is 3 WEEKS TODAY!!! These pictures are mostly just for archiving. Danny and several family members. He is still a good baby. If he "doesn't" sleep at night that means I have to wake up every 3 or 4 hours. He likes to sleep in the morning when the kids are getting up and usually I can sleep with him a bit until the kids come in so often I just get up. Even when he is up he's easy going. Is happy just to look around. Sometimes you have to move him around a little bit and give him something else to look at, but some of you know, that's no big deal compared to some kids that you really have to work to make them happy. You can move him around when he's sleeping and he doesn't care. He takes a pacifier sometimes, yeah!! He gets a little bubbles in his tummy and can't get rid of them very easily and that makes him wake up or squirm a bit. Maybe it's those Pepsi's... I know he may not stay this way, I'm realistic about that, but I have enjoyed these first 3 weeks. It seems like forever ago that I had him. I'm telling you these easy babies, almost make me consider doing this again... you know sometime... in the future.

My sister Susan

Niece Jayme (Kristen's daughter)

Auntie Mary

Auntie Hannah

Annie and Danny... still don't know about that rhyming situation

Megan, (Kristen's) and Uncle Steve

Opal and Anja- she LOVES babies, Anja that is

I just like this picture because I don't have huge dark circles under my eyes like in my hospital pictures.


Katie said...

He is so sweet! So glad he is a good baby for you.

Angela* said...

I'm glad he's a good baby. I'm REALLY hoping for one. I can't believe how big he looks! He's so cute and you look great!

Tay said...

He is so cute! And how nice that he's so chill about everything.

Tegan said...

He is another little Joesph! precious I really like the picture of you two at the end as well. We all know how hard it is to get a picture without bags under your eyes! You do look really good considering the trauma you went thru three weeks ago. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Diane said... cute!!!

maccam said...

So cute! That is a sweet picture with Uncle Dan.