Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Annie's eye surgery

I have been noticing for about a year that Annie's eyes would pull in an unnatural sort of way. No one else could see it though until recently. So I took her in the ophthalmologist and he said she had "wandering eyes", meaning the farther away something was to focus on, one eye tended to wander and that she needed surgery. I was expecting a lazy eye and having to go by a patch!!

So Friday we went in. I dont' know why, but I thought we would be there an hour since the Dr. said the actually surgery took 20 min. WRONG!! Try 3 hours. The doctor said it wouldn't be that big of a deal, which I think for out patient surgery he was probably right, but let's face it, Annie is "sensitive", and so it was kinda traumatic for the both of us, since I was not expecting her to have a hard time, and since she did have a hard time.

She was very darling before the surgery though, here is a pic of her and her doggie with ID bracelets and in the pre op room with her gown.

The first couple days she tried to be happy...

But mostly felt like this over the weekend:
And this is what her eyes still look like and will probably look like for 2 weeks.
She is doing better now and many people have been very sweet and concerned. She is doing well, and gets better every day. The worst part is the gel antibiotic we have to put in her eyes. But she is playing and happy most the time. She's practically back to her old self telling me she can't help me clean and such after we have been playing.

We love you Annie and hope we never have to go through anything like this with you again!


Katie said...

I'm sorry she had a hard time after. Glad to hear she is doing well now! She is adorable!!

Denise said...

Savanna just said something to me about this yesterday. I am so sorry. I remember when I took Grace to get her tubes and how hard it was to see them walk off with her. I just hope everything was accomplished that they were wanting to so that she doesn't have to go through this again. By the way, Savanna has not stopped talking about activity days yesterday. thank you so much for taking her.

maccam said...

poor little girl!

beth said...

Poor baby... glad she is getting back to her normal princess status.