Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a very nice Mother's Day. I know mine was wonderful.

So when you have little ones you get some memorable gifts, esp. when they have to describe you. So this is what my boys came up with.

According to Joey I have BLACK hair Blue eyes.
My favorite color is ALL COLORS
My fav food is VEGETABLES
If he could give me something special just from him it would be a DOG
I help him by CLEANING ROOM
and in front is this totally posed pic w/ his hand under his chin.

So Johnny's says:
I like being with my mom when: she is home
If I could give my mother something special just from me it would be a:new car
The funniest thing I ever saw my mom do was: picking me up from scouts wearing an apron
My mother helps me most when: I am hurt
My favorite thing about my mother is: she is a good cook
My mother's favorite place is:home
My mother likes to: rest
My mother looks prettiest when: we're in church
My mother is special because: she is a child of God
I like it when my mother: is at school
My mother's favorite recipe is: strawberry pie
My mother's favorite food is: ice cream

Then Johnny wanted to make something 'useful' for cub scouts and decided to make me a jewlery box. So he and Eddie and went out on Sat, and Eddie started and John said, "no like this, with the lid opening this way." And so it was. He is only 8 and designed and did the work himself. It is useful and really cool.

By the way: my eyes are hazel, my fav color is blue, I make myself eat vegetables, ice cream is ok, but at least they didn't say Pepsi, and I have too many kids to think about a dog.


beth said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I was wondering about the ice cream thing! That jewelry box is AWESOME!!!!!! Your kiddos are amazing! Happy Mother's Day!

Katie said...

I agree that is the best part of mother's day. Glad you had a great one!!

Alicia & Robert said...

That's ok when I was younger I remember saying my mom's favorite thing to do was sleep. So at least they just said you like to rest and that it's not your favorite thing. My mom still won't let me live that one down :)

Tay said...

But isn't sleep your favorite thing to do? Right now it's mine...

That sounds like an epic Mother's Day. Your kids are adorable.